White Paper: Revenue Recognition Considerations for Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Published on
June 21, 2024

Revenue Recognition Considerations for Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)


The implementation of ASC 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, marks a significant shift in how entities recognize revenue from customer contracts. For Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), which have diverse revenue streams, the standard introduces unique challenges and requires careful consideration of various contractual arrangements. This whitepaper explores the intricacies of ASC 606, its specific impact on REITs, and best practices for compliance.


ASC 606, issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), establishes a comprehensive framework for recognizing revenue. The standard aims to improve comparability across industries and provide more useful information to users of financial statements. For REITs, which engage in activities ranging from property rentals and management services to property sales, ASC 606 necessitates a detailed analysis of contracts and revenue streams.

Key Provisions of ASC 606:

ASC 606 outlines a five-step model for revenue recognition:

  1. Identify the contract(s) with a customer.
  1. Identify the performance obligations in the contract.
  1. Determine the transaction price.
  1. Allocate the transaction price to the performance obligations in the contract.
  1. Recognize revenue when (or as) the entity satisfies a performance obligation.

Each step requires careful evaluation and documentation, particularly for REITs with complex and varied contracts.

Challenges for REITs Under ASC 606:

Identifying Performance Obligations

REITs often engage in multiple activities that generate revenue. Identifying distinct performance obligations within contracts can be challenging. For example, a property management agreement might include services such as maintenance, leasing, and tenant relations, each of which may be considered separate performance obligations.

Determining the Transaction Price

The transaction price may include fixed amounts, variable consideration, or both. REITs must estimate variable consideration, such as contingent rents or performance-based fees, using either the expected value method or the most likely amount method, and reassess these estimates over the life of the contract.

Allocating the Transaction Price

When a contract includes multiple performance obligations, the transaction price must be allocated to each obligation based on its standalone selling price. Determining these prices can be complex, particularly for bundled services or unique real estate activities.

Recognizing Revenue Over Time vs. Point in Time

REITs need to determine whether to recognize revenue over time or at a point in time. For instance, rental income is generally recognized over time, while revenue from property sales is typically recognized at a point in time when control transfers to the buyer.

Contract Modifications

Changes in lease terms, additional services, or modifications to property management contracts require careful evaluation to determine if they represent separate contracts or modifications to existing contracts. This requires ongoing monitoring and detailed documentation.

Principal vs. Agent Considerations

REITs often engage third-party service providers for property management and other services. Determining whether the REIT is acting as a principal or an agent affects the amount of revenue recognized. This involves assessing control over the specified goods or services before they are transferred to the customer.


ASC 606 significantly expands the required disclosures related to revenue recognition. REITs must provide qualitative and quantitative information about contracts with customers, including the nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows. Preparing these disclosures can be time-consuming and require robust data systems.

Costs to Obtain or Fulfill a Contract

Certain costs incurred to obtain or fulfill a contract may need to be capitalized and amortized over the contract term. Identifying and tracking these costs, such as commissions paid to obtain property management contracts, can be challenging.

Lease and Non-Lease Components

For contracts that include both lease and non-lease components, REITs must allocate the transaction price between these components. This can be particularly complex when services are provided as part of a lease agreement.

Revenue from Condominium Sales and Development Activities

For REITs involved in real estate development or sales of condominiums, recognizing revenue at the appropriate time and ensuring that all performance obligations are met can be complex. This often involves significant judgment about when control of the property has transferred to the buyer.

Best Practices for Compliance:

Robust Contract Management

Implement a robust contract management system to ensure all contracts are thoroughly reviewed and documented. This helps in identifying performance obligations, determining transaction prices, and allocating those prices accurately.

Regular Training and Education

Regularly train accounting and finance staff on the nuances of ASC 606. Keeping the team updated on the latest guidance and interpretations can help in maintaining compliance.

Implementing Advanced Accounting Systems

Invest in advanced accounting systems that can handle the complexities of ASC 606. These systems should be capable of managing multiple revenue streams, tracking performance obligations, and generating detailed disclosures.

Continuous Monitoring and Reassessment

Continuously monitor contracts and reassess estimates related to variable consideration and performance obligations. Regular reviews help in adjusting revenue recognition practices as necessary and ensure compliance.

Collaboration with Auditors and Advisors

Collaborate closely with auditors and accounting advisors to ensure interpretations and applications of ASC 606 are consistent and accurate. Their expertise can help navigate complex scenarios and avoid potential pitfalls.


The adoption of ASC 606 presents significant challenges for REITs, given their diverse revenue streams and complex contractual arrangements. By understanding the key provisions of the standard, identifying specific challenges, and implementing best practices, REITs can achieve compliance and provide more transparent and comparable financial information. Robust contract management, regular training, advanced accounting systems, continuous monitoring, and collaboration with experts are essential to navigate the complexities of ASC 606 effectively.

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